15. October 2024

Zážitkovica by INEX (22.11. – 24.11.2024)


Do you already have a plan for the end of November, when the days are shorter and the evenings are cooler?
Come with us to Zážitkovica in Banská Štiavnica.
Zážitkovica is a unique opportunity to spend the weekend a little differently, learn something new, meet like-minded people and relax from the reality of everyday life.
Come with a friend or even without anyone. During the weekend you will meet a lot of new people, with whom you will surely find common ground.

When: 22.11. 20:00 – 24.11. 2024 15:00
Where: Hostel Skautský dom, A. Pécha 2, Banská Štiavnica
Age: 16 – 40
Total number of participants: 15
Free places: 15


– you will improve your competences in leadership and team management
– learn how to set goals and where to find the motivation to achieve them
– meet new people
– discover why it pays to learn (and sometimes unlearn) throughout your life
– improve your communication, not only in English but also in a multicultural environment
– learn about the opportunities and professional benefits of international volunteering

Please plan your departure from Zážitkovice so that you can participate in all parts of the programme.

The workshops will be held in English. It is not necessary to have perfect English, just a communication level. If necessary, we will help each other 🙂

Accommodation: Accommodation is provided in a hostel known as Scout house. There is WIFI and the hostel is located close to the centre of the town Banská Štiavnica. The participants will be staying in 2 big rooms with double beds. There are shared bathrooms on every floor of the hostel.

Food: Meals (breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks throughout the day) will be provided for all participants. We will be eating the lunches in the restaurant. The breakfasts and dinners will be done by INEX Slovakia. In order to ensure the diet, please write in the application form any allergies, intolerances, diets that you must follow.

Transportation: Each participant in their own way. More information on how to get to the venue of Zážitkovica will be in the infosheet that we will send to accepted participants.

What INEX will provide you:
– a weekend full of fun, games, educational workshops
– the opportunity to meet new people, learn about the possibilities and professional benefits of international volunteering
– food (3 meals per day, snacks)
– accommodation

What it will cost you:
– weekend
– participation fee €50
– transport to Banská Štiavnica and back home
– fill in the application form

Thank you for the support