Weekend workcamps

We organize weekend voluntary camps, alias weekend workcamps, especially in Slovakia. The weekend workcamps usually start early Friday evening and end Sunday afternoon.

The weekend camp combines fun with voluntary help to the local community. The camp is intended for all those who want to “escape” from a sedentary lifestyle, from the busy cities, break out of the everyday stereotype and experience something new. Thanks to the participation in the weekend camp, you will relax, gain new energy and strength, and at the same time help where help is needed.

Anyone can apply for the camp. Young, older. The one who has already been to the camps. Even those who have never heard of such camps. Feel free to join us with your friends or by yourself. At the camp you will meet many people with whom you will find a common language and thanks to the program you will become part of a group and time will fly by very quickly.

What will you gain thanks to the camps?

  • a good feeling that you were helping where help is needed
  • you meet new people
  • you will experience a fun weekend full of interesting activities
  • you will learn something new

Who is the workcamp for?

  • for everyone from 17 to 99 years old
  • previous experience with volunteering, nor any special skills are required

What INEX will provide you?

  • accommodation from Friday to Sunday
  • food (3 times a day and small snacks)
  • weekend program, which includes volunteering help at the castle

What it will cost you?

  • one weekend
  • participation fee
  • transportation to the camp place and back home
  • filling out the application form

Upcoming weekend workcamps

  • Volunteering weekend in Svaty Jur I. (14.03. 19:30 – 16.03. 2025 15:00)

    When: 14.03. 19:30 – 16.03. 2025 15:00
    Where: Renaissance Winery House, Svätý Jur
    Type: reno, manu
    Age: 17 – 99
    Total number of participants: 5
    Free places: 0

    Volunteering help: Volunteers will help clean the maid’s room on Saturday (max. 6 hours) and Sunday (max. 4 hours) – sorting various things and materials and preparing for waste collection.

    Accommodation and food: Volunteers will be accommodated in the heated rooms of the Renaissance Winery House. Volunteers will have mattresses available. It is necessary to bring sleeping bag. Shower and toilets are available. Food will be provided 3 times a day, including at least one hot meal. Volunteers will also participate in the preparation of food (breakfast, dinner), who will be divided into so-called kitchen teams. The ingrediences for food preparation will be provided by a local partner.

    Camp location: Svätý Jur is a village near Bratislava. The village is an urban monument reserve with several interesting historical monuments. You can hike to Biely Kameň Castle located in the protected landscape area of ​​the Little Carpathians with many tourist routes and interesting natural and historical destinations (Driny Cave, Červený Kameň Castle).
    How to get to the camp: By train or bus to Svätý Jur; and then on foot to the Renaissance Winery House.
    Meeting point: Renaissance Winery House, on Friday 14.03. 2025 19:30

    What you need to bring: sleeping bag, work clothes, strong shoes, work gloves, flashlight and good mood 🙂

    Participation fee: 20 EUR (The contribution helps us cover a small part of the costs of the event. At the same time, the contribution represents an expression of interest in participating in the event. You can pay the contribution to our account SK2611000000002667455125 (the account is held at Tatrabanka), in the note state your name and surname and Svaty Jur 1)

    Application form for registering for the camp is  https://forms.office.com/e/xrBcpCS5E3

    Local partner: OZ Renesančný Vinohradnícky Dom was founded by two families – the Grňovci and the Lörincovci, who started as INEX volunteers at Čierny hrad. The goal of OZtka is to renovate the historic building of the Renaissance winegrower’s house in Svätý Jur. The house dates back to the 17th century. You can find more about our local partner at www.renesancnydom.sk or https://www.instagram.com/renesancny_dom/.

  • Volunteering weekend in Svaty Jur II. (04.04. 19:30 – 06.04. 2025 15:00)

    When: 04.04. 19:30 – 06.04. 2025 15:00
    Where: Renaissance Winery House, Svätý Jur
    Type: reno, manu
    Age: 17 – 99
    Total number of participants: 5
    Free places: 0

    Volunteering help: Volunteers will help with clearing out chairs within the building on Saturday (max. 6 hours) and Sunday (max. 4 hours) – sorting, storing in a new place, preparing for waste collection.

    Accommodation and food: Volunteers will be accommodated in the heated rooms of the Renaissance Winery House. Volunteers will have mattresses available. It is necessary to bring sleeping bag. There is a shower and toilets available. Food will be provided 3 times a day, including at least one hot meal. Volunteers will also participate in the preparation of food (breakfast, dinner), who will be divided into so-called kitchen teams. The ingrediences for food preparation will be provided by a local partner.

    Camp location: Svätý Jur is a village near Bratislava. The village is an urban monument reserve with several interesting historical monuments. You can hike to Biely Kameň Castle located in the protected landscape area of ​​the Little Carpathians with many tourist routes and interesting natural and historical destinations (Driny Cave, Červený Kameň Castle).
    How to get to the camp: By train or bus to Svätý Jur; and then on foot to the Renaissance Winery House.
    Meeting point: Renaissance Winery House, on Friday 04.04. 2025 19:30

    What you need to bring: sleeping bag, work clothes, strong shoes, work gloves, flashlight and good mood 🙂

    Participation fee: 20 EUR (The contribution helps us cover a small part of the costs of the event. At the same time, the contribution represents an expression of interest in participating in the event. You can pay the contribution to our account SK2611000000002667455125 (the account is held at Tatrabanka), in the note state your name and surname and Svaty Jur 2)

    Application form (deadline for registering for the camp is 28.03.2025): https://forms.office.com/e/BW5CgXqDc0

    Local partner: OZ Renesančný Vinohradnícky Dom was founded by two families – the Grňovci and the Lörincovci, who started as INEX volunteers at Čierny hrad. The goal of OZtka is to renovate the historic building of the Renaissance winegrower’s house in Svätý Jur. The house dates back to the 17th century. You can find more about our local partner at www.renesancnydom.sk or https://www.instagram.com/renesancny_dom/.

  • Volunteering weekend in Slatinka (25.04. 20:00 – 27.04. 2025 15:00)

    When: 25.04. 20:00 – 27.04. 2025 15:00
    Where: Slatinka (Zvolen district)
    Type: envi
    Age: 17 – 99
    Total number of participants: 8
    Free places: 3

    Volunteering help: Volunteers will help with digging water retention wetlands and transporting amphibians during Saturday (max. 6 hours) and Sunday (max. 4 hours). In case of rain, volunteers will help with making bird and bat houses, cleaning  birdhouses in the garden, and minor construction work in the eco-center building in Slatinka. Individual tasks do not require any special skills.

    Accommodation and food: Volunteers will be accommodated in a heated building of a former school, which currently serves as an eco-center. Volunteers will have mattresses and beds at their disposal. A garden shower and dry toilets are available. There is no access to running water in the building, local partner will bring drinking water to volunteers. The food will be provided 3 times a day, including at least one hot meal. The meals will be mostly vegetarian. Volunteers will also participate in preparing the meals, who will be divided into so-called kitchen teams. The ingrediences for preparing the meals will be provided by a local partner.

    Camp location: Slatinka is a small village near Zvolen located in the central part of Slovakia. The village is surrounded by beautiful nature with many hiking trails and tourist opportunities. Volunteers can visit Zvolen, where they will find a castle, historical center and other interesting places.
    How to get to the camp: By train or bus to Zvolen; and then by bus to the Slatinka stop, a crossroads.
    Meeting point: Bus station in Zvolen, around 8:00 PM.

    What you need to bring: sleeping bag, work clothes, strong shoes, work gloves, flashlight and good mood 🙂

    Participation fee: 20 EUR (The contribution helps us cover a small part of the costs of the event. At the same time, the contribution represents an expression of interest in participating in the event. You can pay the contribution to our account SK2611000000002667455125 (the account is held in Tatrabanka), please include your name and surname and Slatinka in the note)

    Application form (deadline for registering for the camp is 18.04.2025): https://forms.office.com/e/9GFJVmHvaZ

    Local partner: The Slatinka Association was established in 1993 as a reaction of citizens to the revival of the dam construction project, which should flood the village of Slatinka and the unique 12 km valley of the meandering Slatina River with the occurrence of biotopes of national and European importance. The mission of the Slatinka Association is to carry out activities in the Slatina River basin, mainly focused on environmental protection and natural values, environmental education and upbringing (especially of children and young people) and increasing public participation in decision-making on projects and documents with an impact on the environment. Since 2005, they have been operating an eco-advice center in Zvolen, which provides advice on solving specific environmental problems in the Zvolen region and ideas for the general public on preventing environmental problems. Social networks: www.facebook.com/zdruzenieslatinka, www.instagram.com/slatinkaassociation

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  • Where do I pay the participation fee?

    The participant shall pay the participation fee by bank transfer to our account SK26 1100 0000 0026 6745 5125 (Tatrabanka) – the participant shall indicate his/her surname and first name in the purpose of payment/transaction description so that the payment is easily identifiable, or in person at the INEX Slovakia office (see opening hours).

  • When does my application become valid?

    We only accept the application after agreeing to the terms and conditions of participation and receiving the participation fee. To speed up the process, we recommend to send confirmation of the transfer of the participation fee to the e-mail inex(at)inex.sk.

  • When will I get a reply that I have been accepted?

    We will notify you of your acceptance to the weekend camp within 3 days of receiving your participation fee.

  • What are the terms and conditions for participation in the weekend workcamps?

  • When will I get more information about the project?

    Typically, we will send the participant the info kit (infosheet) at least one week before the first day of the workcamp. The info kit contains a travel inofrmation, information about the volunteering help or free time activities and accommodation, etc.

  • Why do I pay the participation fee to INEX?

    We are a civic association and therefore we do not run a business and do not provide paid services. Your fee is a contribution to INEX Slovakia and we use it to partially finance our activities in Slovakia. The fee helps us to cover a small part of the event costs. At the same time, the fee represents an expression of interest in participating in the event.

  • Will I make money on the project?

    All projects and events organized by INEX Slovakia and our partner organizations are organized within the philosophy of volunteering, i.e. they are organized within the framework of volunteering help, whether social or physical.

    This means that the participants do not earn money, but the experience, knowledge, contacts with new people, cultures, experiences and the feeling of satisfaction over the “work” done is much more than money.

  • Can I go on a project with a friend?

    When a volunteer wants to attend a camp with another person, he/she has to mention the name of the other person in the application form. Both of you must send in the application form.

  • How do I apply?

    The weekend camps and their descriptions can be found on this page under the description. If there is none, we do not have a weekend workcamp scheduled. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram where we’ll keep you posted.

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