Read our and your stories and experiences

EVS in Slovakia: I crossed my limits and I got to know myself better
11.08.2020 12:09
After leading two international voluntary camps I feel more mature and self-assured, I crossed my limits and I got to know myself better. Overall it was a great experience and I feel grateful for the chance I’ve been given.
Category: EZS Slovensko
Vieš, kde je hranica medzi manipuláciou a motiváciou?
08.08.2023 15:04
Stalo sa vám niekedy, že vás niekto presvedčil, aby ste sa do niečoho zapojili alebo niečo urobili a v procese toho, ako ste už na danej veci pracovali, ste si povedali: A prečo to vlastne robím? Ak ste odpovedali áno, boli ste obeťou manipulácie.
Category: Líderstvo
Leonardo: March - a month full of things to do!
02.04.2024 14:23
After a month of absence Im back to tell you about my March here in Bratislava (and also in Wien).
Category: EZS Slovensko
Anaiis: May article: Turning around, I've found new places and met new people
30.05.2024 12:02


If I had to define this month, I would define it as a spinning top. I didn't stop and I was turning around and around. I had numerous adventures and anecdotes to convey, and I had the opportunity to gain further knowledge about Slovakia's culture, music, and people. So... if you want to know more, please continue reading! ;)

Category: EZS Slovensko
Evelína: May article
22.05.2024 12:10

Immerse yourself in Slovak culture & surround yourself with people who feel safe, give you energy and inspire you.

Category: EZS Slovensko
Ako 6 mesiacov mení život
20.05.2024 14:17
Opustiť prácu a všetko čo poznám. Urobiť krok do neznáma. To bolo pre mňa pred pol rokom nepredstaviteľné a naháňalo mi to riadny strach. Najmä zo zlyhania, z nesprávneho rozhodnutia. Dnes som pripravená urobiť to znova.

Všetko začalo nešťastným koncom vzťahu so šťastnou dovolenkou na Sicílii. Tu som pochopila, že žiť sa dá aj inak a že za svoje šťastie zodpovedám ja sama. Po návrate ma to ťahalo späť a práca už bola dlho pomalým umieraním bez vidiny posunu…vedela som, že som pripravená. Konečne začať plniť svoje sny, nasledovať srdce. Byť užitočnou, pomáhať ľuďom, vidieť zmysel mojej práce. Vidieť pozitívny dopad. Na spoločnosť či jednotlivca.
Category: EZS zahraničie
Evelína: April - month full with outdoor activities
02.05.2024 11:08


The april is slowly ending, but my adventures hopefully are not. This month already at the very beginning brought me various outdoor activities, on the very first weekend I went to unrelatively challenging hike hosted by international hiking group. We with a group of people started the hike in Kačin and finished in Rača. 

Category: EZS Slovensko
Leonardo: April a rollercoaster of emotions!
30.04.2024 14:52
This month started with a trip to Budapest with my parents that arrived at the end of the month of March for Easter s holidays.
They arrived on 30th of March. So, I prepared my self and after lunch, I took 2 autobuses for going to the airport of Bratislava to took them.
Category: EZS Slovensko
Anaïs: APRIL, my favorite month of the year! Love, legends, dragons, books and roses visited Bratislava
30.04.2024 14:15

April is my favorite month of the year. Spring has arrived, and the sun is beginning to set. Perhaps it's just me, but I believe that people are happier when they observe how the flowers embellish everything. During this month, I did a lot of activities, it was full of surprises and I really enjoyed it a lot. If you want to know what happened, please continue reading :)
Category: EZS Slovensko
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