Read our and your stories and experiences

Kristiánova ESC v Poľsku - tipy skúseného dobrovoľníka
13.01.2023 13:40

Hello, my name is Kristián. I come from Slovakia and I took part in the integrart5 project (2021-2022) in Cracow. In our project there were actually 6 volunteers. We all lived together but for the most part, each of us worked in a different cultural institution, besides some common activities that we worked on together. Each of us organized art and language exchange themed classes and workshops plus helped with regular events and activities in the places we worked in. 

Here, I’m going to share some information about my experience in the long term volunteering project that might be useful for people who are also considering joining the European Solidarity Corps.

Category: EZS zahraničie
Petra - 3 týždne v krajine elfov a víl – Embrace the Darkness, Fínsko 2021
24.01.2023 13:55

O možnosti účastniť sa projektov ESC som sa dozvedela ešte koncom strednej školy, kedy som sa spoločne so svojou dobrou kamarátkou prvýkrát vydala na týždňovú mládežnícku výmenu Erasmus+. Z projektu som prišla domov nakoľko nadšená, že som sa v to isté leto zúčastnila ešte jednej výmeny. Od toho momentu som vedela, že sa chcem zapojiť aj do projektu Európskeho zboru solidarity, ktorý je na rozdiel od výmen dlhodobejší a jeho prínos pre spoločnosť vnímam ako hodnotnejší.

Category: EZS zahraničie
Iryna: Final article of the ESC project "Summer leader"
26.10.2022 12:53
Hi guys. I want to update you about my life as ESC volunteer.
Category: EZS Slovensko
Hankin ESC projekt v Chorvátsku - spomienky
07.11.2022 12:02
Akoby to bolo včera, keď som písala o tom ako objavujeme Záhreb a všetky naše aktivity. Ako to tak býva, celý rok preletel ako voda a ani som sa nenazdala a som na konci. Všetky naše aktivity sa blížia ku koncu a pomaly je čas sa rozlúčiť. A tak vám teda rozpoviem ako som sa v Chorvátsku mala, čo som sa naučila a čo mi tento projekt dal.
Category: EZS zahraničie
Iryna: ESC project five months after beginning
07.10.2022 11:20

Hi, today I want to talk about my volunteering project that is in the middle of its term.

Category: EZS Slovensko
Chiara: last month of the ESC project
28.09.2022 16:53

My last month as an ESC volunteer.

My journey ends with the end of September.

Category: EZS Slovensko
Chiara: My august adventure with summer camps
05.09.2022 11:18
Hello there! A month has passed, and I became leader for my first time.
August is over and it was a month full of emotions!!!
Category: EZS Slovensko
Chiara: My first experience as an ESC volunteer
20.07.2022 13:42

Hello there! My name is Chiara, I am from Italy and it is almost one month that I am here :) as a volunteer within the European Solidarity Corps Programme. 

Category: EZS Slovensko
Iryna: My first month as an ESC volunteer at INEX - June
13.07.2022 12:34
Hello, dear blog readers! My name is Iryna and I want to share with you about my first month as volunteer in Inex.
Category: EZS Slovensko
A Finn in Slovakia - Spring time in April
25.04.2022 14:20
First full month has passed and now I'm going to tell you about my thoughts and experiences during April. I've been doing work at the office, participated to my first training and visited Italy!
Category: EZS Slovensko
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