This summer was one of the best times I’ve had in Slovakia. I led two workcamps, I met a lot of people, and for me, they are now part of my family. I also travelled a lot and I discovered new places. If you want to know more, please continue reading 🙂
Hanigovce workcamp
The workcamp started on July 7th. Lenka, my coleader, and I had to go a day earlier to get everything ready before the volunteers arrived. But Lenka and her family invited me to their house a few days ago, so I could go to a typical Slovak festival and learn more about Slovak culture. The next day, we visited the Slovak Paradise and the views were stunning. I enjoyed it a lot and I’m very grateful to Lenka and her family for letting me stay with them.

On July 6th, we went to L’utina, where we stay for the workcamp. We made everything for the workcamp (food, logos and games, sustainability campaign). And on the 7th, the volunteers began to come slowly. They were from Hong Kong, Vietnam, Japan, Germany, Spain, France and Slovakia. We played some games to know each other better. After that, we prepared pizza to eat. It took 2 hours to eat because we had technical problems with the oven. But finally, we could eat and rest to get energy for the workcamp, which started the next day.
From our place to the castle in Hanigovce, we had to hike for an hour to go there and another hour to come back. But the views were absolutely incredible. On the first day, the Local Partner explained to us the history of the Castle and the safety rules for all the workcamp. We build two paths for the horses, clean the area, and even milk goats!

Slatinka workcamp
I got to Bratislava from Hanigovce on 13th of July and had to wash my clothes and prepare the material for Slatinka workamp because I had to leave on 18th of July.
In Slatinka, there were 12 volunteers from Greece, Croatia, France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Poland and Denmark. And I could meet with Batu and Yusuf because their hosting organization was Slatinka Association, the same one where we worked for this workcamp.
I have very good memories from this workcamp and the volunteers. If I have to choose the best moments, I would say the romantic shower, Mafia (a game which we played every night) and Fabian’s haircut.

The volunteers were absolutely amazing and I felt like they were part of my family. When we had to leave, I felt very sad and I really miss them. However, I’m pretty sure that we will meet again (actually, we are having plans for that).

Coming back to Bratislava
When I arrived, Leo was leadering the workcamp in Bratislava and I could help him in some activities and meet the volunteers. I really enjoyed the chance to meet people from Italy, Spain, Mexico, Czech Republic, and Japan! And we had a good time playing cards and singing in the karaoke bar!
A week later, we had to pack our things and go to Smolenice for the mid-training meeting with the volunteers we met at the first meeting (on March). I have enjoyed meeting them again and I can say that we spent very good time together.

And now what? This weekend Pine and Barbara visited to me in Bratislava and we had magical moments together.
And the last week of August, I go to Spain to celebrate my mom’s birthday and we will travel. But for know where we go and what we do, you will have to wait until the next blog.
Thank you so much for reading my entry!
Ciao 😊

The project “Open Your Eyes” is supported by the EU programme European Solidarity Corps.