15. October 2024

Discover Iceland through Marek’s eyes – traveler and volunteer 24.10.2024

If you have not been on any of our tea meetings yet, you are definitely missing out!
Every month our ESC volunteers organize monthly event called Tea meeting about various topics, which are both educational and fun. This month you have an opportunity to discover Iceland.

Are you curious about various questions like:
How it is to spend the night in an ice cave?
Is it possible to climb an iceberg?
How is to walk around by an erupting volcano?
How is to build an igloo in the top of the glacier?

If so then this tea meeting is definitely for you!

Iceland will be presented by a traveler and INEX volunteer Marek Čavojský.
A short teaser from our guest: “Before I came to Iceland for the first time in 2016, I did not know much about this place. I knew only that once, I got there I would stay as long as possible. I stayed there for more than 40 months within 7 years. I found amazing nature and endless wilderness. I found glaciers, ice caves, moulins, hot springs, mountains… I found a job. But most of all, I found friends with the same desire – to experience it all!
Every time I was coming back, I felt like I was coming home.”

When: 24.10.2024 at 18:00
Where: INEX Slovakia, Prokopova 15, Bratislava

Tea meeting is in English held at informal and friendly atmosphere.

We look forward to meeting you 🙂

INEX team

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