17. marca 2025

Medzinárodné školenie v Estónsku (16.6.- 23.6.2025)

How improvisation can help intercultural learning in International Voluntary Service

…feel more confident,
…develop personally and professionally,
…embrace improvisation in daily work and life,
…create educational games for young people?
And are you passionate about facilitating intercultural learning and excited to put your creative skills into action?

How improvisation can help intercultural learning in International Voluntary Service

International Voluntary Service (IVS) offers youth all over Europe – and beyond -the opportunity to meet, work and live together. To create, to explore and to be challenged. To discover similarities, bridge cultural differences and be surprised.
The project ‘Culture Act’ aims to increase improvisation and creative problem-solving skills in IVS. You will create your own improv theatre-based games that will help you deal with challenges in intercultural groups. Learn to play with confidence, dare to make mistakes, think out of the box, and don’t forget to laugh. Culture Act enables you to contribute positively to your organisation and activities and effectively facilitate impactful intercultural sessions, workshops, or training programmes.

Project Set-up
Culture Act is structured as follows:
Phase 1: online preparations at the end of May – June
Phase 2: Training course in Estonia,16 – 23 June (including travel days)
Phase 3: Testing out the newly acquired skills and toolkit in your organisation and activities in July – October
Phase 4: Online evaluation at the end of October

Target Group
CultureAct training programme is open to anyone:
– Involved in the field of IVS (volunteering, staff, board member, etc.), preferably through an organisation that is a member/partner in CCIVS,Alliance and/or SCI.
– Based in an EU Programme Country.
– Interested in intercultural learning -to be explored through improvisation theatre.
– Committed to actively participate in all phases of the project.
– Excited about improving the IVS experience and its outcomes for (future) participants.
– Minimally 18 years old by 16 June.
– Able to speak sufficient English to be able to express yourself during the training as well as the (online) evaluation afterwards.
– Looking forward to a fun week with an international group in Piirsalu, Estonia!
– Participants with fewer opportunities are highly encouraged to apply.

– Accommodation and meals during the training course are provided
– There is no participation fee for Culture Act
– Travel compensation: actual bus/train/flight costs with a maximum (distance calculated from the place ofresidence to Piirsalu on Distance Calculator| Erasmus+)

About SIW
SIW Internationale Vrijwilligersprojecten (SIW International Volunteering Projects) is a Dutch non-governmental, non-profit voluntary service organisation that was founded in 1953. The mission of SIW is to allow (young) people to discover their impact abroad. This is achieved by bringing volunteers into contact with different cultures. Every year, SIW sends approximately 150 volunteers abroad. Besides that, SIW organises around 9 IVS camps in the Netherlands every year in cooperation with Dutch organisations like the Dutch State Forestry, Emmaus (an international charitable movement to combat poverty and homelessness) and asylumseeker centres. SIW is part of international networks like CCIVS, theAlliance and SCI.

About the venue
Piirsalu is a village in western Estonia, where you can become one with the flat land and nature that is peculiarto the country. The training takes place in Piirsalu Klubi, a building that is on the list of heritage protection because of its architecture. To reach there from the capital Tallinn, it takes around an hour. You will share a room with 2-3 other participants with showers/toilets in the corridors.

Prihlás sa do 30.3.2025

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Need further convincing?
Here are some quotes from previous participants:
“This training is a good way of learning about yourself, other than learning new methods and new ways to interact with new cultures and realities.”

“Culture Act is a training course which addresses the difficult subjects of communication and intercultural facilitation; through the tool that is improvisational theater, which makes this concern lighter and allows speech to be released and exchanges to be fruitful.”

“Culture Act is a family, thanks to improvisation theatre we were able to build the best environment for learning.”

“It was very interesting and fun. I was surprised and fascinated that we can understand each other very well although we are from different backgrounds, ages, and cultures.”

Culture Act is co-funded by the Erasmus+Programme of the European Union.

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