
Amandine: my last full month here...
05.12.2023 15:19


It's already November review time... The month went by really quickly, right? I feel like it only lasted one week!
Which is not really nice for me, because it means that my leaving is getting closer and closer :-( In two weeks I will be in France!

But I still have a lot to say in this article, sooo enjoy it!! :-)

Kategória: EZS Slovensko
Geoffroy : November, Notables activities, No patience for Christmas
07.12.2023 14:59
November was a month with nices activities : Tea Meetings, making videos and enjoying the beginning of the Christmas Market.
Kategória: EZS Slovensko
Geoffroy: Fifty kilometers the fifth month
29.06.2023 16:32
June was a month of hiking, cultural experiences, and volunteer work in Slovakia. From exploring picturesque trails to organizing multicultural events, it was a fulfilling and enriching time filled with adventure and personal growth

Kategória: EZS Slovensko
Geoffroy : Misty mountains
14.11.2023 15:05
Amidst the autumnal beauty of Slovakia, an adventurer sought gold but found the true wealth in the bronze foliage and enchanting landscapes of Slatinka. From conservation efforts along the Slatina's banks to the thwarted ascent of Mount Rysy, October's journey unfolded with unexpected twists. The month concluded with a haunting encounter, marking nine months of volunteerism and a mountain of memories.
Kategória: EZS Slovensko
Amandine: a bit of rest after this crazy summer
08.11.2023 15:56


It's October review time... After a busy summer, my life is now a bit calmer and quieter... but still full of interesting activities!

In this article, I share with you my experiences, my missions as an ESC volunteer at INEX and my feelings!

Kategória: EZS Slovensko
Nebojte sa vykročiť zo svojej komfortnej zóny alebo Najlepšie rozhodnutie v mojom v živote (časť 2.)
30.10.2023 13:36
Ahojte, tak sa opäť ozývam z (takmer) večne slnečného Španielska. Už som tu nejaký ten mesiac a musím povedať, že sa cítim, ako by som tu žila celý život. Občas si zájdem na churros con chocolate (ako naše šišky), pan con tomate/jamón (chlebík s olivovým olejom, prepasírovanými rajčinami alebo jamónom- ich tradičná šunka) alebo si sadneme s kamarátmi a objednáme si tradičné tapas - malé porcie jedla- rôzne druhy mäsa, ryby, zemiaky na milión spôsobov- odporúčam patatas bravas (z mäsa odporúčam carilladas- bravčové líčka alebo chobotnicu) Ani neviem ako a z veľkosti XS sa stalo M :) A je mi to jedno. Gastronómia je proste téma na týždeň.
Kategória: EZS zahraničie
Geoffroy : After the Spring, before the Fall : the adventure
29.09.2023 14:37
One summer, 
Two challenges, 
Three workcamps, 
Four countries visited, 
Five intensive weeks, 

That's all you need for living an unforgettable adventure!
Kategória: EZS Slovensko
Nebojte sa vykročiť zo svojej komfortnej zóny alebo Najlepšie rozhodnutie v mojom v živote (časť 1.)
11.09.2023 15:06
     Ahojte, pred pár mesiacmi som odišla v rámci ESC projektu do Španielska, konkrétne do mesta Jerez de la Frontera, ktoré sa nachádza na absolútnom juhu krajiny (medzi mestami Sevilla a Cádiz)
     Už zopár rokov som sa pohrávala s myšlienkou vycestovať ako dobrovoľníčka do zahraničia, no čím som bola staršia, tým náročnejšie bolo tento sen premeniť na realitu…
Kategória: EZS zahraničie
Amandine: Slovakia is a good idea☺
29.06.2023 16:12


The last month before summer has come to the end… this month was full of activities, especially with INEX, and also full of discoveries!

In this article, I share with you my new experiences, my missions as an ESC volunteer at INEX and my feelings!

Kategória: EZS Slovensko
Geoffroy : Across the borders
02.06.2023 10:45
May in Slovakia has been a month of exciting travels, intercultural experiences, and surprising discoveries. From exploring the austro-slovak border to indulging in festivals, I've been immersed in new encounters and beautiful landscapes. The celebration of Mother's Day brought smiles and joy, while intercultural games sparked interesting discussions. I've pleasantly surprised by the sincerity and directness of the Slovak people and the charm of Bratislava.
Kategória: EZS Slovensko
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