Publikácie - INEX Slovakia

V tejto sekcii nájdete všetky publikácie, ktoré vydalo naše združenie o dobrovoľníctve.

Eleni Krokidi - Take a chance, be a change

EVS outcome of the project "Take a chance, be a change" in 2019 by Eleni Krokidi
Ivan Talvas - Take a chance, be a change

Outcome of the project "Take a chance, be a change" by Ivan Talvas
Do you have time - workshop

INEX Messenger workshop 2019: Do you have time by Eleni Krokidi
Why is it important to work in a team? - workshop

INEX Messenger workshop 2019: Why is it important to work in a team by Ivan Talvas
Hear me out - workshop

INEX Messenger workshop 2019: Hear me out by Merike Puura
EVS outcome - Maud

EVS volunteer Maud and her year 2018 on the project "Don´t dream it, be it"
EVS magazine - Carina

Carina den Otter and her year with INEX Slovakia on the project "Don´t dream it, be it"
"Don´t dream it, be it" - EVS outcome Anthony
Antonios Vasileiou and his project "Don´t dream it, be it"
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